Why You Need to Consider Epoxy Flooring

  Floorguard Admin
  October 18, 2018

Garage floors go through so much tear and wear that you will need to keep repairing them as often as possible. The secret to an excellent garage floor is longevity. Currently, there are several floor installations in the market, but one that stands out from the crowd is the epoxy coating. What is epoxy coating? This is a chemical mixture between a resin and a hardener, hence forming a strong plastic coat. With so many floor installations in the market, why choose epoxy garage coatings? Well, here are some reasons why you need to consider installing it in your garage.

Thick Coating

One of the most robust flooring systems that you can add to your garage is the epoxy coat. Though, a liquid compound at first, it gradually dries up to form a plastic coat that doesn’t peel or crack easily. Due to heavy equipment such as cars; garage floors need to have a thickness of 5mm. Instances have risen where more than 5 mm thickness has been used to coat the floor. While installing epoxy floors on a garage, it is noteworthy that you might need to install slip resistant aggregate. This will prevent sliding and possible injuries to you.

Resistant to Most Chemicals

Not trying to oversell it but no flooring system comes close to covering half the resistance that an epoxy coat covers. Installing an epoxy coat on your garage will prevent you from sweating the small stuff such as oil, gasoline, water, and heat. In short, it acts as your insurance partner. The most significant advantage though comes from the fact that the floor is impervious to chemical properties. Lastly, the floor is also resistant to bacteria which may cause diseases.


A typical garage involves tools dropping, liquids spilling and use of heavy machinery, all of which will inevitably cause damage. When installed correctly, epoxy floors are distinctively durable when compared to other floors. Epoxy is so durable that some companies have been known to give a durability span of 20 years without the worry of cracking or peeling.


Price is always a factor that raises eyebrows. Epoxy floors have been known to be one of the cheapest options when calculated price per square meter. Epoxy floors are cheap since they can be installed over any floors including concrete.


The secret to a durable floor is a proper installation. Epoxy floors are known to protect the underlying floor – concrete or wood from cracks, grease, moisture, and stains. This will be a significant advantage if you plan to replace it after some years.

Choose Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy coatings are one of the best if not the best garage installations in the market. As it is expected, garage floors take a beating from the day to day activities that involve spillage of harmful chemicals such as gasoline and grease. Epoxy coats are known to save the floor from damage while maintaining its original composition.