
Home Blog Epoxy Flooring Solutions for Your Garage


by | Oct 1, 2018

Epoxy Flooring Solutions for Your Garage

Garages in American homes can take on many forms and functions from simple car storage to extra bedroom or even a man cave or hangout for the kids and their friends. Unless you constructed your home new, chances are the floor of your garage is simple poured concrete. While this is a simple and cost-effective solution, it is not terribly durable, stains easy and is not very visually appealing. With a simple upgrade to epoxy floors, your garage could be ready to take on years of changing roles and functions.

Epoxy is great for garages because it is easy to maintain and extremely durable. Many industrial, healthcare and sports facilities use epoxy flooring for these same reasons – so if it works in high impact or high traffic professional areas, it should work fine in your garage. You should consider garage floor coating if you currently or plan to ever do any kind of work in your garage, or if you think the space might change use over the next few years. For example, maybe not you currently garage your car but are planning on starting or expanding your family. That garage would make a great extra room, home office etc.; but not with the wrong flooring! Adding Epoxy flooring will allow you to clean up any fluids the car may have leaked, make interior changes to suit the use of the room, and continue to utilize the space until needs change.

You might be concerned with the visual appeal of the flooring, and that is another reason to consult the help of professionals. Flooring companies with the ability to do Epoxy flooring can add different materials into the epoxy to make it visually appealing. The most common additions are flakes and quartz. Epoxy Flake floors mix different flakes or chips into the epoxy to give vibrant color to the floor. The flakes come in a wide variety of colors, materials and combinations to suit your needs. Quartz epoxy floors, similarly, add colored quartz grain to the epoxy to add beauty to the flooring while still maintaining the durability of the material.

The appeal of these styles of flooring is that they are strong and visually appealing enough to be used on their own, but sanitary enough that you can put carpet down over them if the bare epoxy will not fit the role of the room. The best part of this option is that any staining on the carpet cannot get through the epoxy, so if the garage becomes the kid’s playroom and they destroy the carpet; it is an easy fix to replace or throw away the carpet.

While doing an epoxy floor yourself may sound easy, a quality and durable job requires the assistance of professionals. There are a variety of companies offering flooring solutions, including epoxy flooring, all across the country. Do some research to see what companies are available in your area and the different options they have. You can also research the different applications epoxy flooring has, the places it is commonly used and get an idea of what they might look like to see if it is a fit for your garage.

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